Category Archives: Animals

A few from the weekend

With the weekend about over and the rest of the family in bed, I’m sitting in my lounge chair and going over some of the pictures from the weekend.  There weren’t many to go through, as I have been trying to be very selective about what pictures I take and even more selective about which ones are actually kept.  It’s not about quantity, but quality.  Some have asked how I get the shots and that I must be very lucky or very good.  I normally respond with I’d rather be lucky than good and I don’t think I’m either.

A different thought came to mind though, it’s really about being ready.  The 3 shots below are all pure candid photography while either walking, visiting or playing in the backyard.  None of them were set up or the subjects coerced into the pose.  These are the result of two important things, having a camera on hand and being aware of what is going on to capture the moment.  Now that my daughter has found out the wonders of being outside (gotta love the abnormally warm March weather here), we have been venturing outside and walking all around town.  Normally, I try to sling a camera, just in case.

This first shot was taken in a neighbors house that a family member was dog and cat sitting for.  Since Brooke loves dogs and cats, we took her in to visit.  This was the result.

Brooke walked over to the chair, pointed excitedly at the cat and yelled to lift her up.  So we sat her down next to the cat.  Suddenly, she got that twinkle in her eye and a mischievous grin on her face, so I knew what was about to happen.  Up came the camera and this was the result.  The cats face is priceless and contrasts greatly with the peaceful face of Brooke.  The cat took it well and was not harmed in the making of this picture…

On the way home, there were some dogs in a yard barking and chasing each other and Brooke just had to stop and watch.  The sun was behind some clouds, so the light was beautifully diffused and I could shoot wide open for the blurred background.

The last picture was right when we got home and were playing in the driveway.  Looking up, our cat was apparently feeling left out and was trying to get our attention.  Even though she’s scared of being outside, I think she wanted out.

We didn’t let her out.

So there are my 3 favorite pictures from the weekend, none of them possible if I wouldn’t have had a camera slung over a shoulder while on a walk.  The kicker is that these all happened within a short time of each other.  Once again, it’s not about having the best camera, but having a camera with you.


Just back from vacation in Mexico

What better time to take a trip to a warm Caribbean climate than the dead of winter?  My wife and I both thought the same thing and booked a trip to the Dreams Resort in Puertos Aventura’s in Mexico.  We spent 4 nights relaxing and getting away from it all.  We snorkeled in the ocean, in a cenote and in a cave.  Dayna swam with Dolphins, Sea Lions and Manatee’s.  The resort threw a huge Super Bowl party complete with fake stadium displays, workers dressed as Cheerleaders, Security guards, players and referee’s.  Plenty of food as well.  There were beautiful sights, quiet nights and no work at all.  A fantastic trip.

After turkey-day with a deer and the Oly 45

Let me first say that I hope everyone had a fun and safe Thanksgiving with their families and friends.  My family had a great time getting together, even if it is very busy and sometimes crazy.  We had one more side of the family to visit today, so I had one last chance to gorge myself on a wonderful home cooked meal.  Before that could begin however, I noticed a young deer walking behind the family members house.  I excused myself, grabbed my camera and tried to sneak around out back quietly.

For the people reading this strictly for the gear… I had my micro 4/3’s kit.  The longest lens I currently have is the Olympus 45mm f/1.8.  So that gave me an equivalent view of 90mm (in 35mm terms).  How I wish I would have the 45-200mm right then.  So these shots are cropped in fairly close.

The deer was about 40 yards back when all of a sudden something spooked it and it ran directly toward the house and close to where I was standing.

When it got within 15 feet of where I was standing, it finally realized that I was there and stopped dead in it’s tracks.  Apparently it was rather used to people, because it just stood there for a few seconds looking at me.

Apparently I wasn’t that big of a threat, as I was quiet and I could hear numerous gunshots in the distance (we were in the mountains).  The deer slowly trotted back from where it had come from.

I followed it for 50 yards up into the woods along a path.  The ground was wet and made it easy to be quiet and not make any noises.  The deer knew I was back there all the time, but just didn’t seem to care.  The next 3 shots were all taken from about 12 or 15 feet away.  That was as close as I could get.

After following and observing this deer for about 15 minutes, he simply looked at me one last time, decided she’d had enough and bolted.  It was a great and very peaceful experience, one that doesn’t happen often enough in our busy lives.