Category Archives: Street

Any shots that I take while out and about.

Camping at Laurel Hill State Park

The family and I just finished up a 4 day camping trip to Laurel Hill State Park.  The annual Bluegrass Festival was going on as well to add to our festivities.  They had good music, good food and lots of things for everyone to do.  Once again, the Fuji X kit served me very well.  From low light campfire shots to chasing a 3 year old catching butterflies, the X-T1 kept up without any issues.

A short walk

Going back to work on Monday’s when the weather is this nice is always a challenge.  Luckily I found time during my lunch break to grab a camera and take a short walk through town.  It was a bit chilly, but the sun was shining bright and I needed to get outside and take advantage of it.  So I packed up the Domke bag (G3, 14-42, 20, 45) and took off.  I ended up just leaving the 14-42mm kit zoom on the entire time though.

The back alleys on the main street (there is only 1 in Scottdale) are the most interesting.  The buildings are generally very old and a in some places a bit run down from the rear, but this only adds character.

And of course, when I returned home to log back into my work computer, I found this lying in wait in the bathroom sink next to my office…

Cats are weird.