Tag Archives: Fujifilm X-Pro2

Getaway to Mexico

My wife and I have recently returned from our latest trip to Mexico.  We went down with some friends and had a great time together.  My basic camera kit came along for the trip as well.

In order to try and pack somewhat light, I brought along the X-Pro2, Rokinon 12mm, Fuji 18-55mm, 23mm f/2 and 35mm f/1.4.  While this may seem like a lot, the kit is very compact and rather lightweight all together.  The kit, along with a Surface Pro 4, accessories, Velbon Ultra Maxi tripod and other stuff all fit into my backpack as my carry on personal item on the plane.  This kit let me shoot essentially everything I needed.  Long exposures on the beach at night were no issue and the 18-55mm served well during the day on the beach to prevent changing lenses most often.