Tag Archives: Fujinon XF 55-200mm

Waterfalls of Ohiopyle State Park

Anyone that has viewed my website more than once probably knows that I often hike around Ohiopyle State Park and post pictures from there.  Today will be no different as a buddy and I hiked a bit over 8 miles around the park and tried to view most of the waterfalls in the area.  It has been a rainy week or so and we were hoping that the water levels would be higher than normal, and it appears we were correct.

We started out at the Jonathan Run trailhead and made our way to our first stop, the upper falls of Jonathan Run.  Normally I don’t see much water going over them, so I was a bit surprised at the amount going over today.  After we grabbed some shots there, we made our way down to the lower Jonathan Run falls.  It’s always a steep climb up and down to reach them, but it’s worth it if the water is flowing.

At this point, I wanted to make our way to cascades so we made our way back to our vehicles, dropped one off at Cucumber Falls parking lot and drove to the upper lot at the trailhead for the Cascade’s waterfall trail.  Our first stop after the hike downhill were the Cascade waterfalls.  There was much more water going over than I’d ever seen it, so some of my usual spots to cross to the other side were blocked.  We started to get some pictures at the upper end of the falls and then worked our way down to the base.

Once we were happy that we captured everything we could, we moved on down the trail past Flat Rock and stopped to take a look over the cliff edge on the Yellow Trail between Flat Rock and the waterslides.  We found a way down to the base of the cliff and stopped for some more pictures.  This was a small waterfall that I hadn’t noticed before.

We eventually ended up at Cucumber Falls.  It is very difficult to get a new and interesting shot of these falls that hasn’t been done a hundred times over, but it’s always a fun challenge.  Right as we were about to pack up, we noticed a rather large spider sitting on a rock very near to us.  I quickly threw on a telephoto lens with a macro adapter on the front, grabbed a TTL cord and a flash and got as close as I could, about 5″ from the spider.  I was sure he was going to attack…

Backyard Bugs

While out in the backyard, I stumbled across a spider web in one of the bushes.  It was currently dinner time for the little arachnid.

These were taking with the Fuji X-E1 and either the 55-200mm or 18-55mm Fuji lenses with a Raynox 150 macro adapter.  A Fuji EF-42 flash was on camera.  The apertures were around f/16 to f/22.  The little macro adapter does a very good job of adding macro capability to the non-macro lenses.  Since the spider web was about 6 feet off the ground, I had to handhold the camera while balancing on a chair.  A tripod to steady the camera/lens would have been awesome.  There was also a slight breeze that was blowing the entire web back and forth, which made shooting rather maddening.  It was a fun experiment though.  I just hope this guy stays outside of my house.