Tag Archives: OMD E-M5

The Beginnings of Winter

It seems to me that every year at about this time, I begin a slump in all things photography related.  The beautiful color of Fall is past, the leaves mostly lie on the ground in various stages of brown.  The other vegetation is dying off and its color a faint memory.  When hiking around outside, the images no longer jump out at me.  Things get rather dull and boring.  My hope is that I can take it as a challenge and create strong images in the midst of all this decay.

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A maternity shoot from the weekend

If there is one type of shooting that I am continuously stymied by, it has got to be doing a maternity shoot.  You would think that this would be a simple task, especially considering that there is a central focal point of the entire shoot.  For myself however, this is not the case.  Over the years of reading about photography, I have seen so many bad or overly cliche pictures that I don’t want to misstep into one myself.

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The weekend in pictures

Once again, it is late Sunday night and I am watching a football game and updating my blog.  The weekend was great, just too short as always.  Below are some examples of what we saw followed by a few portraits I did for friends.

Now for the portraits.  We ventured out to West Overton village and found some nice spots for pictures.  This was my first time doing portraits here and I was pleasantly surprised.  I hope to go back.

That’s it for now.  Until next time.