Learning to like the Sony

Switching from the Fuji X system of cameras to the Sony Alpha setup is a drastic change in how I interact with the camera.  I can’t say that one is better than the other objectively, as they each have  their pro’s and con’s.  The Sony is a more ‘modern’ setup, whereas everything is driven by the options in camera.  There are many custom buttons on the camera to make things faster, but most things are set in the menu UI system.  This is good as it allows all of these things to be saved and easily switched at the same time.  When moving from shooting stills to video, a simple turn of the main dial will switch to my custom movie settings and I don’t need to  touch anything else.

The Fuji X system was different in most regards as the cameras are set up like an old analog film SLR.  Most lenses have an aperture ring, the camera bodies have set marked dials for shutter speed, ISO, focus type (S, C, M), metering, shooting mode, etc.  This system is fantastic for still shooting, but not as good when shooting both photo’s and video as all of those dials need switched around.

I moved to the Sony setup specifically because I was shooting more video and just felt it would make things I do easier, and for the most part, it has.  A part of me very much misses the classic lines and dials of the Fuji X camera’s though.  I won’t say one is better than the other, just different.  Which is great to have awesome choices.