Category Archives: Landscapes

Short Hike Around Virgin Run Lake

A short hike around a local lake resulted in a decent number of keepers.  I mostly used my new favorite lens, the Voigtlander 23mm f/1.2 in X mount on the X-Pro3 with a CPL attached.  This combo feels so good to use and the imagery is spectacular.  The only time the Voigt was detached was when I snuck up on some deer and put on the Fuji 70-300mm to get up close and personal.

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Chasing Waterfalls

Last night I took a short bike ride on the Great Allegheny Passage bike trail. I packed a small camera sling, grabbed the single speed bike I built from parts and off I went.  Just a mile into the ride I heard the sound of rushing water off trail and hiked a quarter mile up the stream to find some beautiful waterfalls.  I may have fallen in up to my knees and slid down a muddy hillside to get there, but it was worth it.

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