Tag Archives: Digikam

Leaving the Adobe Ecosystem – Part 1

Ever since Adobe announced that Lightroom was moving to a subscription only model, I have read countless people online talk of moving on and leaving the Adobe ecosystem. The general consensus was that Adobe was just trying to wring every penny they could out of their user base and that since they were Adobe and had Photoshop and Lightroom, no one would walk away. For the most part, Adobe was right. The company made huge profits off of their subscription model and to be honest, the $10 a month they charged for both Lightroom and Photoshop wasn’t all that bad for amateur users and for professionals, it was a great deal. I however, was one of those who didn’t like being charged monthly, especially for a product that at the time was slower than the competition, more crash prone and had issues with the FujiFilm X-Trans raw files that I primarily shot.

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